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Sunday, January 18, 2009

But I don't know who to talk to ...

Dan Kennedy says: "If we don't have resources, then we must be resourceful."

If we don't have anyone to talk to, if we don't know what to say, if we don't know what to do ... then we just have to figure it out. We must become resourceful. We can learn what is necessary to solve our problems.

Business owners solve problems.

Employees use problems as an excuse to discontinue working.

We are in our own business. We can solve our problems. We can find the resources to learn new skills, to make new contacts, and to succeed in our business.

Don't let problems stand in your way.

1 comment:

Walter said...


The problem-solving mindset is difficult for most people to get to. School teaches us to find the "right" answer. Work teaches us to do what we are told.

That's why I believe it is critical to work with a partner or group to help new distributors through the process.

Telling a new distributor what to do doesn't develop leaders. Helping them to solve problems does.

Walter Reade (from Wisconsin)

Slight Edge Networking